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The filters to apply on the retrieved customer address.

idstring | string[]
The IDs to filter the customer address by.
address_namestring | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by name.
is_default_shippingboolean | OperatorMap<boolean>
Filter addresses by whether they're the default for shipping.
is_default_billingboolean | OperatorMap<boolean>
Filter addresses by whether they're the default for billing.
customer_idstring | string[]
Filter addresses by the associated customer's ID.
customerstring | string[] | FilterableCustomerProps
Filter addresses by the associated customer.
companystring | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by company.
first_namestring | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by first name.
last_namestring | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by last name.
address_1string | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by first address line.
address_2string | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by second address line.
citystring | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by city.
country_codestring | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by country code.
provincestring | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by province.
postal_codestring | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by postal code.
phonestring | OperatorMap<string>
Filter addresses by phone number.
metadataRecord<string, unknown> | OperatorMap<Record<string, unknown>>
Holds custom data in key-value pairs.
Filter addresses by created date.
Filter addresses by updated date.
An array of filters to apply on the entity, where each item in the array is joined with an "and" condition.
An array of filters to apply on the entity, where each item in the array is joined with an "or" condition.
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