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User Module

The User Module is the @medusajs/user NPM package that provides user-related features in your Medusa and Node.js applications.


User Management

Manage and store your users through Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations:

const user = await userModuleService.create({
email: "",
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Smith",

Invite Users

Invite users to join your store and manage those invites, with expiry and revalidation features.

const invite = await userModuleService.createInvites({
email: "",

// refresh token later
await userModuleService.refreshInviteTokens([])

Configure User Module

After installing the @medusajs/user package in your Medusa application, add it to the modules object in medusa-config.js:

const modules = {
// ...
user: {
resolve: "@medusajs/user",
options: {
jwt_secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET,

Module Options

Refer to this documentation for details on the module's options.

How to Use User Module's Service

You can use the User Module's main service by resolving from the dependency container the resource ModuleRegistrationName.USER imported from @medusajs/modules-sdk.

For example:

import { MedusaRequest, MedusaResponse } from "@medusajs/medusa"
import { IUserModuleService } from "@medusajs/types"
import { ModuleRegistrationName } from "@medusajs/modules-sdk"

export async function GET(
req: MedusaRequest,
res: MedusaResponse
): Promise<void> {
const userModuleService: IUserModuleService =

users: await userModuleService.list(),
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