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Tax Module

The Tax Module is the @medusajs/tax NPM package that provides tax-related features in your Medusa and Node.js applications.


Tax Settings Per Region

Set different tax settings for each region. This is especially useful with the Region Module.

const taxRegion = await taxModuleService.createTaxRegions({
country_code: "us",

Tax Rates and Rules

Manage each region's default tax rates and override them with conditioned tax rates.

const taxRates = await taxModuleService.create([
tax_region_id: "txreg_123",
name: "Default tax rate",
is_default: true,
rate: 10,
tax_region_id: "txreg_123",
name: "Shirt product type",
is_default: false,
rate: 15,
rules: [
reference: "product_type",
reference_id: "ptyp_1",

Retrieve Cart's Tax Lines

Calculate and retrieve the tax lines of a cart's line items and shipping methods with tax providers. Use different tax providers for each region to handle tax-line retrieval differently.

const taxLines = await taxModuleService.getTaxLines(
id: "cali_123",
product_id: "prod_123",
unit_price: 1000,
quantity: 1,
id: "casm_123",
shipping_option_id: "so_123",
unit_price: 2000,
address: {
country_code: "us",

Configure Tax Module

After installing the @medusajs/tax package in your Medusa application, add it to the modules object in medusa-config.js:

const modules = {
// ...
tax: {
resolve: "@medusajs/tax",

Module Options

Refer to this documentation for details on the module's options.

How to Use Tax Module's Service

You can use the Tax Module's main service by resolving from the dependency container the resource ModuleRegistrationName.TAX imported from @medusajs/modules-sdk.

For example:

import { MedusaRequest, MedusaResponse } from "@medusajs/medusa"
import { ITaxModuleService } from "@medusajs/types"
import { ModuleRegistrationName } from "@medusajs/modules-sdk"

export async function GET(
req: MedusaRequest,
res: MedusaResponse
): Promise<void> {
const taxModuleService: ITaxModuleService = req.scope.resolve(

tax_regions: await taxModuleService.listTaxRegions(),
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