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Promotion Module

The Promotion Module is the @medusajs/promotion NPM package that provides promotion-related features in your Medusa and Node.js applications.


Discount Functionalities

A promotion discounts an amount or percentage of a cart's items, shipping methods, or the entire order.

The Promotion Module allows you to store and manage promotions.

const promotion = await promotionModuleService.create({
code: "10%OFF",
type: "standard",
application_method: {
type: "percentage",
target_type: "order",
value: "10",

Flexible Promotion Rules

A promotion has rules that restricts when it's applied. For example, you can create a promotion that's only applied to VIP customers.

const promotion = await promotionModuleService.create({
code: "10%OFF",
type: "standard",
application_method: {
type: "percentage",
target_type: "order",
value: "10",
rules: [
attribute: "customer_group_id",
operator: "eq",
values: ["VIP"],

Campaign Management

A campaign combines promotions under the same conditions, such as start and end dates.

A campaign can also have an identifier for tracking purposes, such as tracking through tools like Google Analytics.

const campaign = await promotionModuleService.createCampaigns(
name: "Summer Discounts",
campaign_identifier: "G-123445",
starts_at: new Date("2024-05-02"),
ends_at: new Date("2024-07-20"),
promotions: [
id: "promo_123",

Configure Promotion Module

After installing the @medusajs/promotion package in your Medusa application, add it to the modules object in medusa-config.js:

const modules = {
// ...
promotion: {
resolve: "@medusajs/promotion",

How to Use the Promotion Module's Service

You can use the Promotion Module's main service by resolving from the dependency container the resource ModuleRegistrationName.PROMOTION imported from @medusajs/modules-sdk.

For example:

import { MedusaRequest, MedusaResponse } from "@medusajs/medusa"
import { IPromotionModuleService } from "@medusajs/types"
import { ModuleRegistrationName } from "@medusajs/modules-sdk"

export async function GET(
request: MedusaRequest,
res: MedusaResponse
): Promise<void> {
const promotionModuleService: IPromotionModuleService =

promotions: await promotionModuleService.list(),
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