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Relations between Product Module and Other Modules

When Commerce Modules are used together in a Medusa application, the Medusa application handles building the relations between these modules.

This document showcases the relation between the Product Module and other Commerce Modules.

Pricing Module

A product variant’s prices are stored as money amounts belonging to a price set. The Medusa application forms a relation between the ProductVariant and the PriceSet data models.

A diagram showcasing an example of how resources from the Pricing and Product Module are linked.

So, to add prices for a product variant, create a price set and add the prices as money amounts to it.

Learn more about the PriceSet data model in the Pricing Concepts

Sales Channel Module

A product can have different availability in different sales channels. The Medusa application forms a relation between the Product and SalesChannel data models.

A diagram showcasing an example of how resources from the Product and Sales Channel modules are linked.

Inventory Module

Each product variant has different inventory details. The Medusa application forms a relation between the ProductVariant and InventoryItem data models.

A diagram showcasing an example of how resources from the Product and Inventory modules are linked.

When the manage_inventory attribute of a product variant is enabled, you can manage the variant's inventory in different locations through this relation.

Learn more about the InventoryItem data model in the Inventory Concepts

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