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Tax Lines in Cart Module

In this document, you’ll learn about tax lines in a cart and how to retrieve tax lines with the Tax Module.

What are Tax Lines?

A tax line indicates the tax rate of a line item or a shipping method. The LineItemTaxLine data model represents a line item’s tax line, and the ShippingMethodTaxLine data model represents a shipping method’s tax line.

A diagram showcasing the relation between other data models and the tax line models

Tax Inclusivity

By default, the tax amount is calculated by taking the tax rate from the line item or shipping method’s amount, and then added to the item/method’s subtotal.

However, line items and shipping methods have an is_tax_inclusive attribute that, when enabled, indicates that the item or method’s price already includes taxes.

So, instead of calculating the tax rate and adding it to the item/method’s subtotal, it’s calculated as part of the subtotal.


The following diagram is a simplified showcase of how a subtotal is calculated from the taxes perspective.

A diagram showing an example of calculating the subtotal of a line item using its taxes

Retrieving Tax Lines

When using the Cart and Tax modules together, such as in the Medusa application, you can use the getTaxLines method of the Tax Module’s main service. It retrieves the tax lines for a cart’s line items and shipping methods.

// retrieve the cart
const cart = await cartModuleService.retrieve("cart_123", {
relations: [

// retrieve the tax lines
const taxLines = await taxModuleService.getTaxLines(
...(cart.items as TaxableItemDTO[]),
...(cart.shipping_methods as TaxableShippingDTO[]),
address: {
cart.shipping_address.country_code || "us",

Then, use the returned tax lines to set the line items and shipping methods’ tax lines:

// set line item tax lines
await cartModuleService.setLineItemTaxLines(,
taxLines.filter((line) => "line_item_id" in line)

// set shipping method tax lines
await cartModuleService.setLineItemTaxLines(,
taxLines.filter((line) => "shipping_line_id" in line)
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